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Managing for Great Performance

Focus: a one-day workshop with coaching follow up that transforms the way managers work to develop Great Performance in their teams.


  • What does great performance look like?

  • Brainstorm

  • Skills / Will matrix

  • Attitude (Will) / Capability (Skill) / Growth

What do employees need and want?

  • Maslow

  • Basic needs

  • Psychological needs

  • Self-fulfilment needs – become more important

  • Our management survey

  • Q12 questions

Ensuring the basic needs are in place

  • Job requirements

    • What are they expected to do?

    • How do you expect them to do it?

    • How do you measure performance?

  • Meeting Psychological needs = good manager

Creating ambitious employees with a GROWTH mindset

  • “Comfort zone” vs “learning zone”

  • “Stress zone”

  • Pressure is like a Spring – “Hooke’s Law”

  • Sustainable growth:

  • Keeping the growth curve going

    • Recognising atrophy 

    • Recognising skills

    • Peter Principle

    • “Superstars” & “Rockstars” (Kim Scott)

Pillars of Growth: Empowerment, Feedback, Development Empowerment

Delegation – heart of empowerment

Delegation ladder

“Delegation for development”

“Process partnering”

Mistake -> Learn -> Improve


  • The "Radical Candor" Model


  • Coaching vs teaching 

  • Heron’s 6 intervention styles

  • Managing with a coaching style

  • Coaching Models – GROW / CIGAR

  • Asking good questions

  • Listening - WAIT

  • Coaching questions

  • Clearing roadblocks

    • Solution focused – OSKAR

    • Other “special questions”

Summing Up

  • Re-cap

  • What do we do that limits people's performance?

  • 13 Golden Rules

Post-workshop Follow-up

  • Next 4 weeks - complete 45-60min coaching session with a colleague on the workshop focused around Developing Great Performance

  • Week: 1.5h follow group coaching in groups of 4-6

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